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The Upstream Blog is published two times a week and contains content from missions leaders, pastors, missiologists, and the Upstream team on a wide variety of topics pertaining to being a sending church. Leave us some comments or questions!

How to Prepare for a Virtual Short-Term Trip
If you’re considering planning a virtual short-term trip, here are some things you might consider as you plan and prepare.
Larry McCrary
Feb 2, 20233 min read

Together on Mission with God: Principles and Practices of Healthy Partnerships
Cross-cultural partnerships happen because they mutually submit to King Jesus. Here are principles and practices of healthy partnerships.
Joshua Bowman
Oct 10, 20224 min read

Together on Mission with God: A Definition for Partnership
Cross-cultural missional partnership is a kingdom-oriented relationship of culturally diverse groups of believers who share common values.
Joshua Bowman
Oct 6, 20224 min read

Together on Mission with God: A Biblical Basis for Partnership
Partnership is necessary because the gospel is universally relevant and provides the plan of redemption for sinners separated from God.
Joshua Bowman
Oct 3, 20224 min read

The Sending Pipeline Part 6: From Committed Goers to Sent
Here are some questions to ask to develop programs in this transition phase from Committed Goers to Sent, as members actually hit the field.
Mike Easton
Sep 30, 20213 min read

The Sending Pipeline Part 5: From US Senders or Potential Goers to Committed Goers
Committed Goers are those that have been assessed by your church and the sending agency and are cleared to be sent overseas.
Mike Easton
Sep 27, 20217 min read

The Sending Pipeline Part 4: From Global Christians to Potential Goers
Here are some questions to ask as you develop programs in this transition phase from Global Christians to US Senders or Potential Goers.
Mike Easton
Sep 23, 20214 min read

The Sending Pipeline Part 3: From Globally Aware to Global Christians
Global Christians understand that they have to orient their life around God’s mission of bringing the Gospel to those who have not heard it.
Mike Easton
Sep 20, 20214 min read

The Sending Pipeline Part 2: Moving Church Members from "New to Missions" to "Globally Aware"
These are three questions we need to answer when helping church members move from being new to missions to globally aware.
Mike Easton
Sep 16, 20214 min read

The Sending Pipeline Part 1: Overview of the Sending Pipeline
The goal of a sending pipeline is to mobilize church members towards the missions vision and strategy that you have set before them.
Mike Easton
Sep 13, 20215 min read

Healthy At Home: More Resources for Healthy Minds, Bodies, Souls, and Practical Needs
Here is a list of resources to further help you care for your sent ones' mind, body, soul, and practical needs.
Shirley Ralston
Jul 1, 20211 min read

Healthy at Home: Helping Hands
Relying on the local church for travel, lodging plans, and fellowship has long been the norm for those sent out to deliver the Good News.
Shirley Ralston
Jun 28, 20215 min read

Healthy at Home: Healthy Souls
Maintaining healthy souls on reentry is a community effort that takes time and commitment.
Shirley Ralston
Jun 24, 20214 min read

Healthy at Home: Healthy Bodies
Providing for the needs of the body lays the groundwork for rest and renewal of the mind, alleviating stress in sent ones’ reentry process.
Shirley Ralston
Jun 21, 20215 min read

Healthy at Home: Healthy Minds Part 2—Professional Christian Counseling
Professional Christian counseling may be necessary for returned workers who have experienced trauma or levels of high stress on the field.
Shirley Ralston
Jun 17, 20213 min read

Healthy at Home: Healthy Minds Part 1—Debriefing
Debriefing helps ensure sent ones' continued health, resiliency, and well-being.
Shirley Ralston
Jun 14, 20215 min read

Healthy at Home: Five Ways to Provide Holistic Care for Returned Global Workers
Reentry care is a multi-faceted endeavor that requires constant tending. Our attention to their care is key to health and longevity.
Shirley Ralston
Jun 10, 20213 min read

Four Types of Sending Churches: Shotgun Sending Church
Rather than thinking proactively or strategically, the Shotgun Sending Church is involved in whatever comes their way.
Mike Easton
May 6, 20213 min read

Four Types of Sending Churches: Missionary Care Sending Church
A Missionary Care Sending Church desires to make those they send feel loved, cared for, and accountable to what they are sent to accomplish.
Mike Easton
May 3, 20213 min read

Four Types of Sending Churches: Strategic Sending Church
Strategic Sending Churches are great at partnering with existing team leaders on the field and members that are not from their church.
Mike Easton
Apr 29, 20214 min read
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