Preparing TCKs for a Cross-Cultural Move
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The Upstream Blog is published two times a week and contains content from missions leaders, pastors, missiologists, and the Upstream team on a wide variety of topics pertaining to being a sending church. Leave us some comments or questions!
Setting children up to thrive during a cross-cultural move
Megan Norton
Feb 195 min read
Helping Older TCKs Transition to College
Many third-culture kids (TCKs) return to their passport country to pursue higher education. Some do so due to language, some due to...
Mark Zwemer
Jan 294 min read
Confessions of a “Fix-It Father”
What would you do if one of your children decided to become a cross-cultural missionary? The kind that wants to move to dangerous places...
Abigail Newport
Dec 25, 20234 min read
Questions to Ask TCKs
One of the best ways to show love to the third culture kids (TCKs) in your church and missionary body is to ask them questions, but it...
Angela Bredeman
Dec 21, 20235 min read
Schooling Options for TCKs
Making the decision to move overseas is a big one, especially when considering moving as a family. But that big decision is followed by...
Megan Norton
Dec 18, 20236 min read
Helping TCKs through Re-Entry
Reverse culture shock (also called re-entry stress) can occur when you return to your “home” country after spending time in another...
Abigail Newport
Dec 11, 20236 min read
Helping TCKs Acclimate during Furloughs
Furloughs are a unique time that many people never get to experience, but to a third culture kid (or TCK—a child who has grown up in at...
Megan Norton
Dec 4, 20234 min read
Defining Key Terms: TCKs
For any Third Culture Kid (TCK), it can be a challenge to answer the question “Where are you from?” since it could potentially mean any...
Natalie Ford
May 1, 20234 min read
Connecting with Kids on the Field
Rarely do children wake up and say, “I want to move across the world and leave my home and friends so my family can tell people about...
Megan Norton
Jul 27, 20206 min read
Reentry Tips for Third Culture Kid Teenagers
Third culture kids transitioning back to their passport country face many challenges. Here are a few tips for navigating reentry.
Oct 7, 20193 min read
When Missionary Kids Return “Home,” Part Two
By Parker McCrary Often, we look back on our circumstances as missionary kids (MK’s) and we realize how fortunate we were to see the...
Oct 3, 20194 min read
When Missionary Kids Return “Home”, Part One
By Isaac Grace “Home” for MISSIONARY KIDS What is home? A place? A specific group of people, perhaps? Who can say, or nail it down to one...
Susan McCrary
Jun 24, 20192 min read
Raising Kids Overseas—Who is Sufficient For This?
By Susan McCrary What is the secret to raising kids overseas? [Waiting with bated breath for an answer.] Don’t we all want it to fare...
May 22, 20175 min read
Loving Your Children Means Leading Them to Risk Everything
This article is by Zach Bradley, Director of Content Strategy. Seems like just yesterday I was hiking through places where no American...
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