The Upstream Blog is published two times a week and contains content from missions leaders, pastors, missiologists, and the Upstream team on a wide variety of topics pertaining to being a sending church. Leave us some comments or questions!
How the Evil One Blinds Us to the Mission, Pt. II
How the Evil One Blinds Us to the Mission, Pt. I
Funding Nationals or National Organizations: The How
Funding Nationals or National Organizations: The Why
The Opportunity of Digital Engagement in Modern Missions
The Nations in Our Own Back Yard
Debriefing Short-Term Trips
The Joy of Welcoming Internationals for Thanksgiving
Providing Cross Cultural Opportunities Locally
How National Christians Can Bless and Teach Western Churches
Why and How to Do Missions to the Global South
Exploring Alternative Pathways to Missions
Leading Your Church to Think About the Global Church
Cultivating Missions Awareness Through Local International Ministry
Marketplace Ministry from Experience, Pt. I
Cultural Sensitivity in the US Context
Developing an International Ministry
The Art of Being Bi-Cultural in an American Context
The Importance of Local International Ministry in Mobilization
The Sending Pipeline Part 4: From Global Christians to Potential Goers