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Missions Resources from Around the Web

The Upstream Collective

Every week, we highlight resources from our site and around the web to help you think about missions, push the missions conversation “upstream,” learn what God is doing around the globe, help you learn how to lead your church to become a sending church, care for your sent ones, and much more.

This week, we want to highlight some helpful resources from around the web. This is a mixed bag of old and new resources about a variety of topics in the missions conversation.

From Desiring God: “Living on mission is not only an effect of God’s grace coming to us through the channels of his word, prayer, and fellowship, but it also becomes a means of his grace to us in the Christian life.”

From The Peoples Next Door Project: “Parents, do not underestimate how much your concerns influence those of your children. If something weighs heavy on your heart, there is a good chance it will weigh heavy on theirs. And in order to model a heart for the nations, we must have one first. How much do you desire that the gospel go to the nations? Does that desire come to the surface as you parent? When was the last time your children heard you pray, in earnest, for the spread of the gospel to peoples and places far away?”

From The Gospel Coalition: “…gospel presentations that include personal testimonies should take care to emphasize the gospel itself (the news of Christ’s death and resurrection), not merely our personal experiences of life transformation. A change of heart is a further demonstration of the gospel and should be used in personal evangelism, as long as the focus remains on Christ’s objective work on the cross.”

From IMB: “What happens when you want to move overseas to share the good news and your church won’t send you? There are many reasons why international missions may not be best for you right now. Still, that doesn’t relieve the emotional sting of being told no, nor does it provide insight about your calling. In those moments, it is important to hold fast to the primacy of the local church in sending missionaries (Acts 13:3) and submit to the church’s leadership (Heb. 13:17).”

From the Center for Great Commission Studies: “The Sent Life podcast is an ongoing conversation about living in partnership with our missionary God. In this podcast, we will talk about living as missionaries in our current contexts including how to share the gospel and guide others into an authentic relationship with Christ. We will also discuss topics related to international missions, church planting, and the academic discipline of missiology.”

Editor’s note: Check out episode six for an interview with our own, Larry McCrary.


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