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Upstream is a collective of missiologically forward-thinkers who produce practical content. Click on the Element tiles below for:


  1. A description of each of the elements

  2. Three key free resources to help you understand and apply that element

  3. Paid membership resources

  4. Blog posts on the element

  5. Free resources from churches


Whether your church is just getting started in your missional development or an experienced sending church, we offer resources that can help you lead your church well in mission. 


Become a Subscriber to get one of the paid resources for free. Become a Paid Member to gain access to all of Upstream's Articles & Trainings.

Sending Church Resources

01 - Cultivating Missions Awareness_edit
06 - Evaluating Sending Pathways & Partn
Element 10 - 2023 (1)_edited_edited.jpg
14 - Inviting Missionaries' Influence202
02 - Establishing Missions Convictions_e
07 - Identifying Missionaries2023 (1)_ed
11 - Getting Missionaries Established 20
15 - Receiving Missionaries During Re-En
03 - Developing a Vision_edited.png
08 - Assessing Missionaries 2023 (1)_edi
12 - Provide On-Going Care_edited.png
16 - Innovating As Sending Churches_edit
04 - Building a Strategy_edited.png
09 - Developing Missionaries2023 (1)_edi
13 - Maintaining Strategic Focus2_edited
17 - Influencing Other Churches_edited.p
05 - Involving the Entire Church_edited.



Not sure which element your topic of interest fall into? Click through the following pages based on common sending church themes. These pages will also include top three free resources for that them, as well as paid articles and training, blog posts, and resources from churches.

1. Advocacy Teams.png
4. Crisis & Security.png
3. Cross Cultural Ministry.png
6. Cultivating Awareness in Kids & Families.png
7. Digital Missions .png
8. Evaluation & Reflection .png
12. Language Learning.png
Marketplace Missions .png
Ministry to Internationals & Refugees.png
Missionary Care.png
Missions Finances.png
Missions Leadership.png
National Partnerships.png
Sending Church Foundations.png
Sending Pipeline.png
Short-Term Trips.png
Spiritual Warfare.png
Third Culture Kids.png

If you find our free resources valuable consider becoming an Upstream Member to gain access to all of our resources and trainings.


The Upstream Team's goal is to help churches and missions leaders do missions better. We want to especially do this for our members. Do you have a resource that you'd like to see Upstream write about? If so, fill out this form below.


While the following survey can be done anonymously, we'd love to be able to follow-up with you to let you know if we've made improvements, or written any content based on your feedback. Thanks for being an Upstream Member or Partner!

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