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Third Culture Kids.png

Third Culture Kids are those who have a passport country that is different than the country they are living in growing up. Living between these two worlds creates a third culture for these kids. There are unique challenges in having parents that are from your passport country, but growing up in the country where your parents are on mission. Join us this month as we explore what a third culture kid is, how to assess them, prepare them, care for them, and help them re-enter their passport country well.


As you begin looking at this sending church topic for the life of your church and for your missionaries, check out these key resources to get you started.


Check out these articles and trainings on Third Culture Kids. Click on the thumbnail for a summary of the resource and to access the resource. Each resource is available for purchase or on the Upstream File Share for Members.


Check out these books to learn more about ministering to and caring for Third Culture Kids


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